Concept of Climate Change | Global and Indian Perspectives | Climatology | Dr. Krishnanand

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This is the 38th in the series of lectures; on Concept of Climate Change for undergraduate geography students as well as Geography (optional) for UPSC exams.

This video by Dr. Krishnanand, founder of TheGeoecolologist; is suitable and helpful for the UPSC/IAS aspirants and beginners as well.

Simplified Explanation on the Concept of Climate Change has been made in this lecture.

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7 responses on "Concept of Climate Change | Global and Indian Perspectives | Climatology | Dr. Krishnanand"

  1. Kindly make the video about the climate change in mitigation and adaptation sir. Kindly share the link after creating one🙏🙏

  2. sir u r very good… from where i can get pdf ?

  3. Thank you sir for providing us this informative lecture.. your database studies are really helpful for us..Keep going sir..👍😀😀😀😀🙏🙏🙏🙏

  4. It was an informative talk. Thanks!

    I would like to point out one thing. You had mentioned – the planet is in danger. I believe, Its not that the 'planet earth' is in danger, it is us 'human beings' and other life forms in danger! Since life is the most creative thing we have ever seen, it will take its own course on planet Earth after eliminating the 'non fit' Human beings!

    So, Earth is not in danger, but we are! 😃

  5. Thank you so much sir for best efforts

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