Bottom Topography of Indian Ocean | Diamantina Trench | Oceanography |Dr. Krishnanand

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This is the fourth in the series of lectures; on Bottom Topography of Indian Ocean for undergraduate geography students as well as Geography (optional) for UPSC exams.

This video by Dr. Krishnanand, founder of TheGeoecolologist; is suitable and helpful for the UPSC/IAS aspirants and beginners as well.

Simplified Explanation of Bottom Topography of Indian Ocean has been made in this lecture.

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13 responses on "Bottom Topography of Indian Ocean | Diamantina Trench | Oceanography |Dr. Krishnanand"

  1. Sir tell me the best book for covering the syllabus of Geographical Thought???
    With your classes

  2. Sir, as Java trench is the deepest trench in the Indian Ocean so the deepest point in the Indian Ocean will also be in the Java trench and not in the Diamantia trench. Isn't it?

  3. Sir kuch UGC net kai lea v Kijea 🙂

  4. Thank you so much sir. I m completing my college subject from your lecture.

  5. Sir.. How to join ur optional classes …about fee structure…

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