Captain Vikram Batra #pvc #kargilheroes #vikrambatra #viral #shorts

Captain Vikram Batra
During Operation Vijay, Captain Vikram Batra of 13 JAK RIF, was tasked to capture Point 5140. Leading from the front, in a daring assault, he killed four enemy troops in close combat battle. On 07 July 1999, his company was tasked to capture a feature on Point 4875. In a fierce hand-to-hand fight, he killed five enemy soldiers. Despite sustaining grave injuries, he led his men from the front and pressed on the attack, achieving virtually impossible task in the face of heavy enemy fire, before attaining martyrdom. Inspired by his courageous act, his troops annihilated the enemy and captured Point 4875. For exhibiting an act of conspicuous gallantry, inspiring leadership, indomitable courage and supreme sacrifice, he was awarded the Param Vir Chakra (Posthumous).

#vikrambatra #paramvirchakra #kargilheroes


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