Fundamentals of Geomagnetism | Dynamo Theory | General Studies Paper 1 | Dr. Krishnanand

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In this video the various concepts related to the Fundamentals of Geomagnetism and Dynamo Theory have been discussed ; which is part of World Physical Geography for UPSC – General Studies Paper-1, as well as beneficial for other geography and Geology students.

This video by Dr. Krishnanand, founder of TheGeoecolologist; is suitable and helpful for the UPSC/IAS aspirants and beginners as well.

Simplified explanation of the understanding of Geomagnetism and Dynamo Theory, for preparation of UPSC (general studies paper-1) has been made in this lecture.

#geography #geomagnetism #dynamotheory

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18 responses on "Fundamentals of Geomagnetism | Dynamo Theory | General Studies Paper 1 | Dr. Krishnanand"

  1. Sir is these videos always on your channel Or you monetise these videos

  2. Sir no words you are actually a teacher which teach geography by heart

  3. hello sir, may I know your own reference books to makes these presentations?

  4. Amazing work. clear and concise.

  5. whatta class simply words are nt enough

  6. Are these concepts and theory enough wrt upsc geography Optional syllabus sir?
    In the section, only "Fundamentals of Geomagnetism" has been mentioned…

  7. Very informative video sir. Sir, I have finally decided that I will opt Geo as my optional and downloaded some random pdfs to study. Please guide me with something as I am not enrolled in any coaching institute.

  8. Sir will u please post video about origin and evolution of earth crust

  9. Thank you sir for your explanation

  10. I used your points to make my notes amazing work!!

  11. Sir if possible kindly include past year's upsc questions on geomorphology will be of big help to aspirants 🙏

  12. I just purchased your e-book for geomorphology, but I cant find this topic in that PDF. I was hoping I will get notes of all topics of geomorphology in that

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