Manhattanhenge July 12 #manhattan #viral #shorts

Manhattanhenge is a phenomenon in which the setting sun aligns precisely with the east-west streets of the main street grid of Manhattan, New York City. This alignment happens twice a year, typically around late May and mid-July, providing a stunning visual effect where the sun appears to be nestled perfectly between the buildings, illuminating the streets in a golden glow.

Key Points About Manhattanhenge:
Occurrence: Manhattanhenge occurs twice a year. The dates vary slightly each year, usually around May 28-30 and July 12-14.

Best Viewing Locations: Some of the best streets for viewing Manhattanhenge are 14th, 23rd, 34th, 42nd, and 57th Streets. The view is often best from the eastern side of Manhattan, looking west.

Timing: The exact time can vary, but it generally happens around sunset. Checking local listings or astronomical websites can provide precise times for each occurrence.

Photographic Opportunity: Manhattanhenge offers a unique and picturesque opportunity for photographers and sunset enthusiasts. It’s advisable to arrive early to secure a good viewing spot.

Cultural Significance: The term “Manhattanhenge” was popularized by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, drawing a parallel to Stonehenge, where the sun aligns with the stones on the solstices.

Variations: There is also a “reverse” Manhattanhenge when the sun rises and aligns with the streets, but it is less commonly celebrated compared to the sunset alignments.

How to Experience Manhattanhenge
Plan Ahead: Check the dates and times for the current year’s Manhattanhenge.
Arrive Early: Popular viewing spots can get crowded, so arriving early can ensure a good vantage point.
Bring a Camera: Whether you’re a professional photographer or a hobbyist, capturing the moment can be rewarding.
Be Prepared for Crowds: Given its popularity, expect large gatherings of people, especially at prime viewing locations.
Fun Fact
Manhattan is not the only city with its version of “henge” events. Cities with a similar grid layout, such as Chicago and Toronto, also experience their own henge phenomena.

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