Sources of Population Data – Population Geography- UPSC

Link to the Population Geography E-book ( pdf) :
In this video the various concepts related to the Sources of Population Data has been discussed ; which is part of Population Geography for UPSC – Geography Optional, as well as beneficial for other geography students.

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This video by Dr. Krishnanand, founder of TheGeoecologist; is suitable and helpful for the UPSC/IAS aspirants and beginners as well. Simplified explanation of the Sources of Population Data for preparation of UPSC (geography optional) has been made in this lecture.

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11 responses on "Sources of Population Data - Population Geography- UPSC"

  1. Sir, do you provide paid materials for msc geography survey

  2. Hello sir, you have no idea how many people you have helped with your fantastic work, thank you so much, sir, your help is very much appreciated.

  3. 😁☺️thank you ❣️ sir .
    You are simply describe it ❤️great work

  4. Thank you sir…. It helps me a lot.

  5. thanku sir…..with your due respect please complete the whole geography optional syllabus as soon as possible .so that your hardcore viewers may benefited from it

  6. Thank you sir for such informative and interesting explanation of these topics 🙏🏻

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