Thermal Convection Current Theory | Convection Current Theory of Arthur Holmes | Arthur Holmes

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In this video the various concepts related to the Thermal Convection Current Theory by Sir Arthur Holmes have been discussed ; which is part of World Physical Geography for UPSC – Geography Optional, as well as beneficial for other geography students.

This video by Dr. Krishnanand, founder of TheGeoecolologist; is suitable and helpful for the UPSC/IAS aspirants and beginners as well.

Simplified explanation of the understanding of Thermal Convection Current Theory by Sir Arthur Holmes for preparation of UPSC (geography optional) has been made in this lecture.

#arthurholmes #convectioncurrenttheory #convectioncurrent

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16 responses on "Thermal Convection Current Theory | Convection Current Theory of Arthur Holmes | Arthur Holmes"

  1. Sir I have one question why the water of bhirgu lake doesn't freezes completely ?

  2. Thank you so much Sir
    I am truly grateful

  3. Sir but where the upper rigid mantle gone
    Below crust , upper rigid mantle comes how asthenoshere is lying below the crust

  4. And please cover the stratigraphic supergroups.

  5. Sir please explain why u mention hot cold warm…in the diagram…????🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  6. Sir I love your videos and the way you teach.If you keep it up, your channel will be best geography channel on YouTube🤩🤩🤩

  7. Sir i want you to make videos regarding cultural and social geography it help us a lot. When ever you have time plz it's a humble request.. 🙏

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