Welfare Approach In Geographical Thought |Human Geography | Dr. Krishnanand

E-book (pdf) is available at : https://mithilacraft.com/product/evolution-of-geographical-thought/

This is the 33rd in the series of lectures; on Welfare Approach In Geographical Thought for undergraduate geography students as well as Human Geography (optional) for UPSC exams.

This video by Dr. Krishnanand, founder of TheGeoecolologist; is suitable and helpful for the UPSC/IAS aspirants and beginners as well.

Simplified Explanation of Welfare Approach In Geographical Thought has been made in this lecture.

#geographicalthought #welfareapproach #humangeography

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13 responses on "Welfare Approach In Geographical Thought |Human Geography | Dr. Krishnanand"

  1. very helpful .thankyou for such efforts sir

  2. Pls tell can I crack upsc after this 😂

  3. Sir your vedios are very much helpful to my post graduate degree .. could you please upload a lecture of critical theory by Habermas…??

  4. Sir, please Explain with more examples and its applied part in real life. THE REAL IMPACT OF THESE GEO PERSPECTIVES IN POLICIES etc

  5. Sir could you please make videos on differences between Radical and Welfare geography, humanistic and Welfare geography, behavioural and humanistic geography along with criticism of each i have watched video of all but couldn’t differentiate between them well. Also you have provided Criticisms of Radical geography… could you please provide criticisms of Welfare and Humanistic geography as well… it will be very helpful for us Sir… Kindly consider my doubt 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  6. Please upload More Geography Optional videos. Very helpful. Most underrated channel

  7. Hello sir, good morning.
    Today i watch this video. Nd just wanna ask u. Tht in upsc geo optional syllabus the given topic is human nd welfare aproach so pls tell me.. Is Human aproach diff. Nd welfare aproch is diff. Or both are integrated in this one video. Nd sir if these are saprate so pls share the link of human aproach. Is this humanism or humanism is diffrent frm human aproach. Pls revert sir.

  8. Very helpful my undergraduate study table . Thank you sir 💞

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