SMOG FORMATION | Smog Types and Characteristics |Climatology | Dr. Krishnanand

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This is the twenty-ninth in the series of lectures; on Smog Types and Characteristics for undergraduate geography students as well as Geography (optional) for UPSC exams.

This video by Dr. Krishnanand, founder of TheGeoecolologist; is suitable and helpful for the UPSC/IAS aspirants and beginners as well.

Simplified Explanation of Smog Types and Characteristics has been made in this lecture.

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7 responses on "SMOG FORMATION | Smog Types and Characteristics |Climatology | Dr. Krishnanand"

  1. here can we add more points to delhi's situation like the indus fertile plains making it populous and more economic actiivty takes place, yamuna being center for industires location so emissions are higher, himalayas block the wind stay in confinement, all add to PM and smog

  2. Sir this video very useful to me.. Thank you so much

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